Tabletop Exercises

You train your teams to operate for safety, speed, quality and customer delivery,
Don’t ignore training them on how to respond when situations grow out of your control.
Evaluate all aspects of your crisis management, operational business continuity and IT disaster recovery

Facilitated tabletop exercise with people seated at table and laptops

What outcomes to expect

  • Confidence that team members understand their roles and responsibilities, how best to work together, and when to escalate items before they grow out of their control.

  • Maturing of the processes being evaluated that drives continuous improvement and alignment of how crisis will be managed in order to stabilize the situation quicker.

  • Validation that the tools being used during the course of a crisis are available and understood. Identification of critical system that need to be protected before, during, and after a crisis.

  • Leadership engagement and feedback will help align risk tolerance, resource needs, and coordination before an actual incident occurs.

  • Enhanced decision making by evaluating the situation using information and intelligence gathered through pre-established networks.

  • Customer confidence will soar when you are able to overcome an incident with grace and confidence. Your operations will be open when competitors are still fighting to recover.

Tabletop Exercises

Each exercise is customized to your organization and the the elements you want to have evaluated.
Our team will partner with you to develop the scenario and facilitate the exercise in-person or virtually based on your needs and team.

Shadow of gun pointed at employee with hands up

Workplace Violence

Not every workplace violence incident involves a gun or knife. Understanding how to address lower level incidents will decrease the chances critical incidents. If it does escalate, does your team know what to do not only during, but after the chaos ensues?

Cars underwater due to flooding.

Natural Disasters

We can’t always predict when a natural disaster will occur, but we can be better prepared to respond to them. After this exercise, your team will be ready to address nature’s fury and the disruptions it will cause.

Laptop displaying ransomware cyber attack

Cyber Attack

Ransomware, malware and other cyber incidents are on the rise. Even those with great IT security programs are still at risk. Understanding how to handle these cyber incidents will lessen downtime, financial losses, and brand impacts.

Shipping containers and cranes at port

Supply Chain Disruption

Train derailments, bridge collapses, cargo container lost at sea, product supplier unable to ship - there are so many reasons to evaluate your supply chain risk responses. Building confidence on how to keep your operation on the rails and what needs to be prioritized will bring stability and outperform your competition.